[Flash] The Secret to Finding a Mentor (Hint: Are You Mentor-Able?)
People are always asking me how to find a mentor.
And while I could direct them to the tactics of getting connected, it’s more valuable to focus on whether the person is mentor-able. To be mentor-able, you must be vulnerable, authentic, humble, self-reflective, and committed to an actionable goal. Most importantly, you must be open to mentoring! Here’s how people operate when they are not “open to mentoring:”
Why do people shut down opportunities to learn from others? Fear. Fear of change, fear of judgment, and fear of criticism. But fear only tells us what not to do. Fear never tells us how to move forward. Mentoring does that. The secret to finding a Mentor is to stop looking for a Mentor and start looking for mentoring. Mentoring occurs because someone wants to contribute an idea, a perspective, advice, a make-you-think-differently question, a challenge, a connection, a resource, or some encouragement. Why wouldn’t we let them?! It might only result in a quick, perspective-sharing conversation, or it might evolve into a mentoring relationship, partnership, or sponsorship. But you must be willing to engage! By starting with purpose and presence, you can collect wisdom in any conversation with anybody. Everyone has something to offer! How to look for mentoring? Ask thoughtful questions from various people, suspend judgment, trust the learning journey, and listen zealously. And, the next time someone offers you some unsolicited opinion, advice, or perspective, welcome it with intrigue. Instead of being irritated or offended by their approach, be grateful for the mentoring that found you! © 2021. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com | www.anntardy.com |