[Flash] Actress Kristin Bell Wants Your Advice
During an interview a few years ago, actress Kristin Bell reflected:
“I am a person who likes advice. I love getting advice because I have enough self-esteem to acknowledge the advice but know that I don’t have to take it. No one’s watching me apply it.” “I want to know how you made your marriage work. I want to know how you performed better at an audition. I want to know how you parented your kids and got them to sleep better.” “And then, I can choose what to use.” Here’s where advice gets tangled:
According to research, 76% of people report feeling annoyed, defensive, and inadequate when people give them advice – even when it’s well-intended! When did our ego become the gatekeeper of wisdom? People all around us want to offer help. And they often do so without our permission – even “Have a nice day!” is unsolicited advice. But instead of leveraging our daily interactions to improve, we often opt to protect our pride. Instead of welcoming the possibility of gaining fresh ideas, insights, and interpretations, we contort around the fragility of our esteem. Kristin Bell’s approach is grounded in curiosity:
My husband is a prolific advice-giver. His prosocial behavior is triggered when he hears about someone’s problem, project, or purpose. He immediately thinks about who or what he knows – mentoring is his leadership language. And without asking permission, he contributes guidance and recommendations. Unfortunately, I’ve watched countless people miss it. They politely nod, uncurious, as he doles out invaluable connections and ideas. Sometimes, they get dismissive, even defensive. But occasionally, I’ll witness a savvy one who leans in, listens intently, and then does something brilliant… they ask a question. A question that helps them discern how the advice might better their life. And when they contemplate the potential of incoming wisdom, their confidence noticeably elevates. By adopting Kristin Bell’s drive to curate advice, transactions can become transformations. © 2025. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved. |