[Flash] My Favorite Part of the Football Game is the End - MentorLead

[Flash] My Favorite Part of the Football Game is the End

My favorite part of watching football is when the clock runs out and the opposing teams pour onto the field to shake hands, exchange bear hugs, and banter like old friends.

Setting aside any residual contention from the game, they effortlessly reconnect as colleagues to:

  • Show respect and understanding
  • Congratulate on a game well-played
  • Acknowledge and appreciate their recent shared experience

So why don’t we experience more of this humanity off the football field?

Let’s start with the onslaught of technology.

Studies show that the less we need each other, the less we notice, interact with, and care about others. The independence we get from technology actually disconnects us from others. We continue to “bowl alone.”

Before GPS, we relied on maps and the kindness of strangers to point us in the right direction. Today, we simply type in an address and drive. More efficient, less connected.

And the less connected we are, the less kind and compassionate we are.

It turns out that compassion is vital not only to our relationships but also to our health and wellbeing. It…

  • Protects us from the health consequences of loneliness
  • Releases our pleasure-feeling, bonding hormone oxytocin
  • Lowers depression
  • Decreases our angst – our burdens feel less arduous
  • Promotes community – we feel a part of something bigger

Best of all? Compassion is contagious! Witnessing others engage in acts of humanity and generosity inspires us to do the same.

So, how do we reignite our connections and infuse more compassion into our lives?

  • Play sports, games
  • Join groups and programs
  • Mentor others
  • Seek out mentoring
  • Make plans with friends
  • Banter with colleagues and neighbors
  • Pick up the phone and call someone
  • Show up for people as they navigate changes
  • Welcome their stories and experiences – “What was that like?”
  • Volunteer (fun fact: volunteers live longer than non-volunteers)

Football is all about connection – players engage with and rely on each other. Even the Super Bowl will end with a touch of humanity, regardless of who wins.

The rest of us in the stands? We must be intentional about connecting, or we risk isolation and loneliness.

We are wired to connect. We just need to plug in!

© 2024. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved.

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