[Flash] We Can't Be Stuck and in Action at the Same Time - MentorLead

[Flash] We Can’t Be Stuck and in Action at the Same Time

I admit it. I gave unsolicited advice to a friend. But in my defense, it was a well-intended mentoring gesture.

A month ago, she left her job, and now she’s in a funk – not a mental health crisis, just a feel-sorry-for-herself slump. And I’ve done my best to listen actively and be a champion.

But she hasn’t even reached out to her network to share that she’s looking for a new opportunity – she’s sapped, self-conscious, and stuck.

Grasping, I said, “The only way to get off the couch is to get off the couch.”

In other words, take some action! Do anything.

  • Send one email
  • Connect with one person on LinkedIn
  • Schedule a call or a lunch
  • Read an article
  • Listen to a podcast
  • Go for a walk – change the scenery

I work out at OrangeTheory Fitness a few times a week… and I don’t like it. In fact, I loathe running, rowing, and lifting weights at 7 am! When my alarm goes off, I hit snooze. And every time I step onto that treadmill, I count the minutes until I can step off.

But I’ve never regretted going to class. I always leave feeling energized, fit, and accomplished!

I know I’d still be in bed if I waited until I wanted to work out. And I’d definitely still be under the covers if I waited for someone else to engage or motivate me. 

I’ve learned through my own slumps that the fastest way out is simply to start moving. I get up and go – even though I rarely feel like it – because I’m committed to staying healthy.

To get off the metaphorical couch…

  • Move:  take some action, no matter how small
  • Ask:  questions hijack the brain, forcing us to redirect and reengage
  • Consider:  “What have I learned? What can I do now and next? What can I create? Who can I connect with?”
  • Commit:  for example, OrangeTheory charges me money if I don’t show up
  • Ignore:  forget the feelings – focus on the commitment
  • Create:  an idea, a goal, a connection, a conversation, a project, a skill, an experience
  • Involve:  find a mentor, a champion, an accountability partner
  • Stop:  excusing, rationalizing, justifying
  • Start:  doing

We cannot be stuck and in action at the same time.

© 2022. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved.

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