[Flash] Thanksgiving Conversation Starters - MentorLead

[Flash] Thanksgiving Conversation Starters

As we embark on the annual ritual of gathering to eat with friends, family, and sometimes strangers, we are faced with the impending need to make conversation.

Whether we want to merely be polite and entertaining or intentionally curious and committed to connecting, it’s all about the questions we ask.

To prepare conversation-starter questions, pay attention to talk show hosts and podcast interviewers. Take, for example, Ryan Seacrest, co-host of the television show Live with Kelly and Ryan, and Willie Geist, host of the weekly podcast Sunday Sitdown.

Ryan engages light-heartedly in entertaining, surface-level banter. Whereas Willie immerses himself in his guest’s world, determined to discover and appreciate that person’s journey and the insights they have gleaned from life.

Some example questions pulled directly from their recent interviews:

Ryan Questions

  • Did you go anywhere after the Oscars?
  • Will there be any reunion of the Avengers?
  • What’s your workout regime?
  • Do your kids join you on location?
  • How do you find the time for all of this?
  • What do you do for Thanksgiving? Any traditions?
  • What are you watching on TV?
  • You have a big announcement – what are you up to?
  • Were you nervous?
  • Tell us about that new project.

Willie Questions

  • What have you learned this year?
  • What made you choose that direction?
  • What was that experience like?
  • Why is that your favorite thing to do?
  • Where did that passion come from?
  • What’s it like to…
  • Which move felt like your big break?
  • Do you think that decision helped or hurt your career?
  • How much fun do you have with that?
  • What’s on the horizon that you’re looking forward to?

Regardless of the conversations that you create this holiday, guests will be grateful for your effort to engage and your interest in their lives. And who knows… you might feel more connected, learn something new, turn strangers into friends, and savor the celebration.

Happy Thanksgiving!

© 2022. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved.

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