[Flash] Stop Motivating. Start Winning Hearts Minds and Souls! - MentorLead

[Flash] Stop Motivating. Start Winning Hearts Minds and Souls!

Management lore says, “Motivate your people!” As if it’s something we must do to them.

Desperate, we often resort to distracting our people with inspirational quotes, interactive games, and Zoom parties.

The problem is that we’re taking actions that are not getting us the results we want. We’re entertaining people yet hoping for their engagement.

But, in its essence, motivation isn’t about being inspired or entertained. It’s about having the desire to serve a goal.

How can we possibly cause people to desire to serve a goal? We don’t control their intentions and aspirations. Of course, we can certainly require, demand, compel, and force someone to serve a goal. But we’ll never control their desires.

Moreover, while we’re tasked with “motivating others,” we’re often challenged to motivate ourselves. “I can’t get motivated,” we whine.

Enough. Let’s quit motivation!

Instead of wasting time dancing and prancing for people’s attention and engagement, let’s stop “motivating” them and start earning their hearts, minds, and souls.

Former Chairman of General Foods Clarence Francis famously wrote:
“You can buy a man’s time; you can buy a man’s physical presence at a certain place; you can even buy a measured number of skilled muscular motions per hour or day. But you cannot buy enthusiasm; you cannot buy initiative; you cannot buy loyalty; you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, and souls. You have to earn these things.

How do we earn their hearts, minds, and souls? Through…

  • shared purpose
  • strengthened trust
  • intentional communications
  • established partnership
  • offered opportunities to stretch and grow
  • recognized progress

How do we earn our own heart, mind, and soul? By creating commitments that are stronger than our feelings and circumstances. By finding a reason to act that is greater than all the reasons not to act.

Motivation is trite. Earning hearts, minds, and souls… now that’s a powerful reason to act and a goal worth serving!

© 2020. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com | www.anntardy.com

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