Today we finished our cycling adventure around the Green Mountain State!
As the last few miles moved under my pedals, I reflected on what I’ve learned from this year’s ride…
Was it about having more fun and finding more joy? No!
There were plenty of un-joyful moments during this trip:
- The 60 miles we biked soaking wet through unrelenting rain
- The 22,863 feet of elevation we climbed up merciless hills
- The 10-15% grades that had me at times pedaling slower than I could walk
- The hauling all my stuff in bags suspended from my bike for 372 miles
- The eating dinner at a gas station grocery mart when everything was closed on Labor Day
- The wind and thunderstorms
- The saddle that ruthlessly tortured my sit bones
- The nasty feeling from recycling the same clothes for a week
- The closed roads and detours
So, no. My insight was not about creating more fun-filled journeys in life.
Rather, I re-discovered what it means to persevere in spite of all those un-joyful moments. To set a goal and endure through a deluge of unwanted circumstances. To be completely uncomfortable and inconvenienced (and hungry!) in dogged pursuit of a finish line. And to get up the next day and face it all again.
My reward? I experienced a beautiful state, explored delightful towns, and met interesting people. And I amazed myself with my own strength and power.
As Jim Rohn once said, “The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them.”
Ultimately it wasn’t about the mileage or the elevation. It was about becoming a stronger person mentally, emotionally, and physically. It was about re-learning to persevere in the face of uncontrollable, unforgiving circumstances.
I’m ready for the next challenge!