[Flash] Obsession Beats Talent - MentorLead

[Flash] Obsession Beats Talent

In Adam Sandler’s new inspirational sports drama Hustle, Stanley Sugerman is a former basketball player, current talent scout, and aspiring coach. At a local pickup game, Stanley discovers an incredibly skilled, unknown player named Bo Cruz. Believing in Bo’s potential, Stanley commits to coaching Bo in preparation for the NBA draft.

In one of my favorite scenes, Bo is ready to give up after his disappointing performance at a basketball showcase. But Stanley challenges him with tough love and mentoring:

“You have one bad day, and you’re ready to back down?

“Do you love this game? I mean, love it with your whole heart? If you don’t, let’s not even bother. 

“I love this game. I live this game. And there are 1,000 other guys waiting in the wings who are obsessed with this game. 

Obsession is going to beat talent every time. You got all the talent in the world. But are you obsessed? Is it all you ever think about? Let’s face it. It’s you against you out there. Never back down.” 

Obsession beats talent!

Obsession has fueled every one of my adventures, experiences, and accomplishments. For example, the year I became obsessed with writing my first book, I worked on it every morning from 5:30-7:30 am for months, determined to have it published and displayed at Book Expo in NYC that summer. It consumed me! Like Stanley Sugerman, I loved it, and I lived it. Feeling unstoppable, I never backed down. [Click here to see my first book]

But when I’m not obsessed with anything, I can easily get derailed by my environment, overwhelmed with disparate goals, and defeated by insecurities.

So, how do we get obsessed with something?

We create it…

1. Creativity. Obsession is always born out of our dogged determination to create something new in our lives – an idea, a project, a product, a business, an experience, a skill, an improvement, an opportunity, a new job…

2. Clarity. Once we know what we’re creating, we can be clear and intentional about our time, activities, structure, plans, deadlines, routines, and habits.

3. Commitment. When we are obsessed, we commit, and when we commit, we persevere despite unforeseen circumstances, setbacks, and roadblocks.

4. Community. Our obsession is kindled when we recruit mentors, accountability partners, champions, and advocates to share the journey.

5. Courage. Inevitably our obsession will be challenged by doubters, naysayers, and critics. Courage fuels our tenacity.

Talent is respectable. Obsession is enviable.

© 2022. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved.

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