[Flash] Mute Your Face (and other Strategies to Improve your Holiday) - MentorLead

[Flash] Mute Your Face (and other Strategies to Improve your Holiday)

Holidays are unpredictable. Without warning, we must navigate a medley of personalities and conversations.

Instead of hiding behind the eggnog, here are seven strategies to improve the adventure of these interactions:

1. Edit.
It is not necessary to react to everything you notice, feel, or experience. Instead, edit your comments for the outcome you desire.

2. Mute your face.
While you might successfully prevent an unpleasant comment or curse from becoming audible, your face could easily betray you with a daggered scowl or theatrical eye-roll. So, if you mute some words, don’t forget to mute your face.

3. Seek space.
Space offers you the freedom to choose a response instead of emotionally blurting a reaction. Seek to add physical and sequential space between an instigator and your response. How? Try a Pause Button Statement, like “I wasn’t expecting that. Give me a moment to catch up.”

4. Huh!
Provided it’s said with sincerity, “Huh!” is a hip-pocket space-creator. Along with “Interesting!” “That makes sense!” and “That’s a good point,” “Huh” communicates engagement, acknowledgment, and curiosity.

5. Tell me about…
With three simple words, you can validate someone and their experience. (Caution: don’t kill the gesture by being a lazy listener.)

6. Compliment unabashedly
No one is inconvenienced by genuine praise. And “That’s amazing!” or “You look terrific!” or “This food is delightful!” will spark a chorus of compliments, allowing the receiver to feel appreciated – what a gift!

7. Say, “Thanks for thinking of me!”
Regardless of the caliber of the present, someone thought of you! For that, be flattered and gracious.

Happy Holidays!

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