[Flash] Kinder Than is Necessary (Why Peter Pan Author Would Love Your Mentoring) - MentorLead

[Flash] Kinder Than is Necessary (Why Peter Pan Author Would Love Your Mentoring)

My niece and nephew were aghast when they learned that I had not read the book Wonder by author R.J. Palacio.

So I immediately obtained a copy and inhaled it. Such a sweet, thoughtful, soul-fueling book!

It’s the story of Auggie, a boy born with a rare facial deformity, as he starts middle school, afraid to meet a world that is afraid to meet him. Ultimately he inspires his peers to see past his disfiguration and discover who he really is.

In the principal’s graduation speech, he reflects on how his students were transformed by the experience.

He quotes James M Barrie (author of Peter Pan) who wrote in his book The Little White Bird, “Shall we make a new rule of life… always try to be a little kinder than is necessary.”

What an aspirational approach to life! Let’s dissect it to apply it…

Being kind:

  • doing good and conferring happiness
  • being gracious, polite, patient, considerate, and friendly

Basically, the essential rules we learned in kindergarten for playing well with others.

Therefore, when we are “kinder than is necessary,” we outshine our shine. We exceed the elementary expectations we have of each other as human beings.

Evidence of people being “kinder than is necessary” is in abundance – especially in times of tragedy and crisis – we just need to notice and appreciate. (For a morning jolt of evidence, I subscribe to GoodNewsNetwork (goodnewsnetwork.org) and Morning Smile (inspiremore.com).)

But how do we bring “kinder than is necessary” to work?

  • Assist colleagues when it’s not your job
  • Recognize others’ contributions
  • Acknowledge people’s progress
  • Repeat the good stuff you hear about others
  • Stop repeating the bad stuff

And how can we lead from “kinder than is necessary”?

  • Advocate for people
  • Offer opportunities to stretch, learn, grow, and connect
  • Create situations for their visibility and exposure

And one of my favorite “kinder than is necessary” acts? Mentoring!

When we mentor others,

  • we prioritize someone else’s goals,
  • we look for ways to contribute to their success,
  • we share advice, perspectives, ideas, resources, and insights….

… not because it’s expected or required, but because we want to make a difference the essence of being kinder than is necessary.

Peter Pan and Auggie would be inspired!

© 2020. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com | www.anntardy.com

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