[Flash] I Want To Lead Like Forest Whitaker - MentorLead

[Flash] I Want To Lead Like Forest Whitaker

I always knew Forest Whitaker was a prolific and formidable actor (Platoon, The Butler, Black Panther, The Last King of Scotland); but I was unaware of his passion for directing and producing.

While promoting his latest role in Godfather of Harlem, he shared his experiences behind the camera.

When asked about why he loves directing, Forest reflected, “I get a chance to help people [the actors, the crew] rise to the greatness of themselves – the great part of who they are. They feel like they are reaching upwards together.”

While that sounds aspirational, he left me wondering… how does he help people rise to the greatness of themselves while managing a movie?

And after reading more about the reserved but mighty Forest Whitaker, I discovered the answer: by rising to the greatness of himself.

In a 2013 interview rippled with captivating questions, Forest revealed the following gems about himself:

  • When he looks in the mirror, he sees a person trying to build connection with the world.
  • The essential quality he believes all successful people share is passion.
  • If we weren’t an actor, director, and producer, he would be a teacher or a healer.
  • His wish for humanity is that everyone could recognize themselves in the face of the other people that they see.
  • His advice for others is to tell yourself that you want to continue to grow, and you’ll be more connected to growth.

Inevitably, when Forest directs a movie, he manages it like a high-profile project – exactly what he gets paid to do.

But he uses his platform to lead the people on his project. And because of this commitment, Forest prioritizes connecting, teaching, passion, empathy, and continuous growth.

The bridge between managing and leading is paved with mentoring and decorated with greatness. 

© 2021. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com | www.anntardy.com

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