[Flash] Does It Matter or Merely Annoy? - MentorLead

[Flash] Does It Matter or Merely Annoy?

I loved being a lawyer. But I became irritated practicing law.

I delighted in helping my start-up clients launch and grow their companies. But I increasingly disliked arguing with opposing counsel over contract provisions that did not support a business deal our clients needed.

Focused on the commas in the contract, we quickly lost sight of the big picture!

Author Dan Pink in his book A Whole New Mind, introduced me to one of my favorite questions: Does it matter, or does it merely annoy?

A valuable query to spark the quest for a broader perspective!

I spoke with a leader recently who was fighting a peer over a policy change. He called me to think it out loud and instead argued why he was right and the policy should remain.

When he took a breath, I asked, “Does it really matter, or does it merely annoy you?”

He stopped.

I continued mentoring, “Who cares if the policy is changed? Is there an impact on your success or the company’s success? Or does something about this situation or person bother you?”

He finally admitted, “I don’t like my peer. She’s a snake.”

I responded, “But you’re wasting your time, energy, and political resources fighting someone for something that doesn’t make a difference.”

He acquiesced, the policy was changed uneventfully, and everyone moved on to more significant issues.

Leaders constantly complain that people don’t see the big picture. But when our daily tasks hijack our attentionwe don’t routinely see the big picture.

To grasp the whole situation, we must deliberately look for it.

Questions to help us, our people, and our mentees focus on the broader perspective:

  • What is most important to the success of the organization?
  • What is the impact of this issue/decision on the organization?
  • Does this issue/decision matter to the organization’s success?
  • Am I wasting time and energy on a situation or someone who merely aggravates me?

When we’re staring at the lollipop, we can easily forget that we’re standing in a candy factory!

© 2021. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com

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