[Flash] David Letterman's Mentoring Moment Spared Jason Bateman's Career - MentorLead

[Flash] David Letterman’s Mentoring Moment Spared Jason Bateman’s Career

“He did the nicest thing for me,” said Jason Bateman, co-host of the podcast SmartLess.

On a recent episode, he shared a story about the first time he had appeared on The David Letterman Show early in his career.

As Jason recalled, it was at the beginning of his interview with David when Jason said something unkind about someone in his family. The audience roared with laughter.

When they cut for a commercial break, David leaned over to Jason and said off-mic, “Here’s what we’re going to do. I’m going to re-introduce you. You’re going to come out, and we’re going to cut that career-canceling comment you just made.”

Jason: What? Which part?
David: You remember when you called such and such a such and such?
Jason: But the audience loved it!
David: You’re not going to love it. We’re going to redo the top.

David’s mentoring moment saved Jason from inevitable regret and repercussions.

Jason didn’t ask David for mentoring. And David could have let Jason suffer the consequences of his actions. But based on David’s years of experience in the public eye, David intervened to prevent Jason from making an irreparable mistake.

David was not compelled by a personal agenda or self-interest. His mentoring moment was borne out of generosity and wisdom.

How can you create mentoring moments that are met with gratitude and make an impact?

1. Redirect.
When you see someone in harm’s way, help them pivot. This is what David Letterman did.

2. Share a Story.
Stories entertain, educate, and influence indirectly. “I remember when I was [in a similar situation], and here’s what happened to me.”

3. Nudge.
Using positive reinforcement and suggestions, we can influence behavior. “Here are two options you might consider.”

4. Role Model.
Through our own actions, we mentor others.

5. Make a Connection.
“Do you know Mary? She’s working on something similar. You might find value in connecting.”

6. Recommend a Resource.
“I found a book/article/podcast that has made a difference for me professionally.”

7. Offer Advice.
“May I share some unsolicited advice based on what I’ve heard? Take it or leave it.”

When we pause to consider, “How can I make a difference right now using my experience and perspective?” mentoring moments appear.

And, in an instant, those mentoring moments can powerfully extricate, influence, and contribute. 

© 2023. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved.

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