[Flash] 3 Pivotal Questions from Evite Co-Founder Selina - MentorLead

[Flash] 3 Pivotal Questions from Evite Co-Founder Selina

In a recent interview, Evite co-founder Selina Tobaccowala shared the essential guidance her father offered as she was deciding whether to change jobs. He asked her 3 clarifying questions:

  1. Do you like the people?
  2. Are you passionate about the product?
  3. Are you learning?

Selina revealed that even to this day when faced with various decisions in her business and her life, she references:

  1. People
  2. Passion
  3. Progress

A valuable beacon for our own perspective!

When we get mired in daily issues, altercations, upsets, and missed expectations, perseverance can be challenging. Focused on all that’s going wrong, we can easily lose sight of why we actually chose this job or situation!

I listened to Selina’s interview at the end of one of those days that was choked by issues and unmet deadlines – I was despondent, fiercely disliking my job.

And then I deployed Selina’s 3 pivotal questions:

  • Do I like the people I work with? Absolutely!
  • Am I passionate about what we do? Definitely!
  • Am I progressing and learning? Constantly!

Suddenly I got the perspective I needed to recalibrate my victim mindset.

Once we get clarity on People, Passion, and Progress, the rest becomes mere details to navigate.

I’ve even used the 3 pivotal questions to help my niece. When she was faced with a stick-with-the-cello-or-switch-to-the-clarinet dilemma, I asked her:

  • Do you like the people in the band?
  • Are you passionate about the cello?
  • Are you progressing with the cello?

She admitted that in fact, she wasn’t progressing because she wasn’t passionate about it. But she really enjoyed the people in the band, so she confidently switched to the clarinet!

When we remember our why (People, Passion, Progress), we can deal with almost any what…

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