During an interview a few years ago, actress Kristin Bell reflected: “I am a person who likes advice. I love getting advice
Strategic Ideas for your Leadership. Content for your Participants.
Sign up for Flash!, my weekly newsletter that offers each week one key
idea to help you as a mentor, a manager, and a human being.
You can read some samples below. And when you sign up for Flash! you’ll also
receive my document that outlines training topics for your mentoring participants.
Sign up for Flash!,
my weekly newsletter that offers each week one key idea to help you as a mentor, a manager, and a human being.
You can read some samples below. And when you sign up for Flash! you’ll also receive my document that outlines training topics for your
mentoring participants.
Sign up for Flash!, my weekly newsletter that offers
each week one key idea to help you as a mentor,
a manager, and a human being.
You can read some samples below. And when you
sign up for Flash! you’ll also receive my document that outlines training topics for your mentoring participants.

Strategic Ideas for your Leadership. Content for your Participants.
Sign up for Flash!, my weekly newsletter that offers each week one key
idea to help you as a mentor, a manager, and a human being.
You can read some samples below. And when you sign up for Flash! you’ll also
receive my document that outlines training topics for your mentoring participants.
Sign up for Flash!,
my weekly newsletter that offers each week one key idea to help you as a mentor, a manager, and a human being.
You can read some samples below. And when you sign up for Flash! you’ll also receive my document that outlines training topics for your
mentoring participants.
Sign up for Flash!, my weekly newsletter that offers
each week one key idea to help you as a mentor,
a manager, and a human being.
You can read some samples below. And when you
sign up for Flash! you’ll also receive my document that outlines training topics for your mentoring participants.
In 1973, Lorne Michaels had not yet created Saturday Night Live. That was the year he was a fully bearded comedy writer,
Today marks the 10th year of my weekly Flash! articles. To celebrate, I’m re-releasing this article on goal streaking with a few
At the end of every mentoring program, at least one mentor confesses, “I think I got more out of the mentoring relationship
When CEO Jack Welch promoted Beth Comstock to VP of Corporate Communications for GE, she battled her imposter syndrome. And for a
Many years ago, a new team member, Sally, showed up to a client Zoom meeting dressed in a ripped, food-stained college sweatshirt.
Working with the MentorLead team to create the Landing Career Development Program was exciting! Their expertise in the area of mentoring is vast and helped stimulate thoughtful conversations to ensure the development of a program reflective of our organizational culture.
From our very first call to the launch of our program, we have received excellent service and truly feel we have created a mentorship platform that works best for Williamsburg Landing.
Brandy Day
Chief Talent Officer - Williamsburg Landing Home Healthcare