[Flash] Match.com Sparks… Mentor Differently! - MentorLead

[Flash] Match.com Sparks… Mentor Differently!

This month, Match.com teamed up with Jay Shetty, author of the book 8 Rules of Love, to promote Match as a solution in the quest for love.

Not surprising, for Shetty has long argued that compatibility is more important than chemistry in the world of romance.

This equally applies in the world of mentoring: compatibility eclipses chemistry.

What is compatibility? It’s about aligning interests, goals, and motivations to work together in harmony and navigate challenges with flexibility, forgiveness, and friendship.

Whether you’re on a love or learning journey, look for partners whose approach to life and work synch with yours.

Here are Shetty’s words in the new Match.com commercial.

“There are more ways than ever to meet someone, yet here we are, disillusioned and struggling to meet someone. Maybe it’s time we date differently

Take the pressure off that first date and focus on the conversation. Know your values and be curious about theirs. It’s okay to be vulnerable and ask deeper questions like, ‘What’s an experience you’d love to relive for the first time?’ To be more present, show up as your most authentic self and pay attention to the little things. 

So, throw out the checklist and commit to a plan. Give someone new a chance. I’m partnering with Match. Starting today, we challenge you to date differently.”

If he hadn’t said “date,” I would have bet Shetty was talking about mentoring!

Mentoring is a concept as old as time. And many people still believe that mentoring, like dating, will happen naturally, evolving from a professional or personal relationship.

As Shetty described, there are more ways than ever to connect, yet people struggle to find mentors. 

Instead of hoping a mentor will magically appear, let’s actively create the mentoring we want:

  • Register for a structured mentoring program and be purposefully matched.
  • Take the initiative on a networking or mentoring platform to search and connect – be a mentor and a mentee!
  • Start with informational interviews and exploratory conversations.
  • Kindle job shadowing, internships, apprenticeships, and on-the-job training.
  • Infuse mentoring questions into everyday conversations, like “What did you learn when you…?”
  • Post on LinkedIn that you are seeking a mentor or mentee (and why!).
  • Share your goals and ask: “Who do you know who could help?”
  • Join or create a mentoring circle to deep dive into a topic.
  • Create a task force or advisory board to use as your sounding board.
  • Invite a friend to engage in peer mentoring or as accountability buddies.
  • Volunteer on committees, projects, or in the community to practice learning from new people.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is not coming. It’s time to mentor differently!

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