[Flash] When Jack Followed His Passion - MentorLead

[Flash] When Jack Followed His Passion

My stepson Jack has always been passionate about service.

  • In high school, he volunteered on a stage crew, working sound and lighting during school plays.
  • He chose Stonehill College for its criminal justice program.
  • In college, he spent every spring break volunteering with Habitat for Humanity.
  • During summer breaks, he volunteered at ReStore, the Habitat for Humanity retail store and donation center.
  • Following graduation, he moved to Detroit to serve in AmeriCorps (Peace Corps in the US), working on community safety projects.

As his two-year contract with AmeriCorps was ending, we all waited with bated breath for Jack to get a “real” job.

The journey to employ Jack has seen encouragement, cajoling, and even a bit of browbeating. I watched his dad grapple with being an anxious father, unwavering champion, and resolute mentor.

  • What if you…?
  • Have you thought about…?
  • Should you…?
  • If you don’t…

And to me, his dad would fret…

  • Why isn’t he…?
  • What if he doesn’t…?
  • How will he…?
  • Should we…?

But Jack didn’t succumb to any pressure or expectations. And he seemed entirely unfazed by his family’s barrage of unsolicited advice, helpful articles, well-intended suggestions, and sinister forewarnings.

Instead, Jack remained steadfast in his determination to find a “real” job that allowed him to serve the community.

And then he did it!

In August, Jack joined the Detroit Public Safety Headquarters working with the police on crime prevention. A dream first job for him… with salary and benefits!

Recently, Jack’s dad decided to change jobs. And what did Jack do? He offered, “Dad, you always said that other people provide fresh perspectives. Do you want me to review your resume for you?” (And the mentee becomes the mentor…)

Once again, Jack strives to make a difference, whether with one person or an entire community.

I taught him how to ride a bike, but my stepson is always teaching me how to be a better person.

© 2022. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com. All Rights Reserved.

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