[Flash] My Gramps Was Santa Claus - MentorLead

[Flash] My Gramps Was Santa Claus

My grandfather was 38 years sober when he died. He entered Alcoholics Anonymous at age 50, committed to pivoting his life.

I think of Gramps fondly at this time of year because he looked like Santa Claus: thick white hair, big round protruding belly, bulbous red nose, and a hearty laugh.

I don’t pretend to know what he was like before he was sober, but I am inspired by who he became after:

  • He dressed up as Santa Claus every year for the local photoshop and town parade.
  • He served as a crossing guard at the grade school in his neighborhood.
  • He graduated from college at age 65 with a degree in counseling.
  • He sponsored others in AA.
  • He pedaled his first century bike ride at age 70.
  • He told jokes to anyone who would listen and laugh.

And in his wallet, he carried his Alcoholics Anonymous coin with the Serenity Prayer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.

Lately, I’ve noticed that I’ve been operating with a shortage of serenity. So now, reflecting on how Gramps lived and evolved, I’m rewriting my Christmas list…

All I want for Christmas is:

1. Clarity.
Clarity around the changes I want to make.

2. Intentionality.
Purposeful conversations and activities.

3. Courage.
Courage to be bold and perseverant.

4. Patience.
Patience for the evolving journey that I am on.

5. Kindness.
Kindness and understanding for the journey that others are on.

6. Pause.
Deliberate pause in the moments that I fail at patience and kindness.

7. Wisdom.
Wisdom from intentionally curating insights.

Hope you get everything on your list!
Happy Holidays!

© 2021. Ann Tardy and MentorLead. www.mentorlead.com

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