[Flash] We Don't Convince People. People Convince Themselves. - MentorLead

[Flash] We Don’t Convince People. People Convince Themselves.

I grew up on a tiny farm where we raised some pigs, a few horses, several cows, and a flock of chickens. Unlike most farmers, we named our animals (ex: Miss Piggy and Boss Hog), and then we ate them.

Today I am a vegetarian.

I remember some obnoxious guy once tried to convince me to be a vegetarian. With each argument he made, I dug in and ardently embraced my carnivorism.

Years later I worked on a project with one of my favorite clients, Jennifer – she is interesting, benevolent, unflappable, and athletic. After a meeting, we were chatting about our families. She mentioned offhandedly that because she had been a vegetarian her whole life, she typically prepares two meals every night – one for her herself and one for her husband and son.

I was intrigued – I didn’t know any vegetarians other than Mr. Obnoxious. In the weeks following my conversation with Jennifer, I researched, ruminated, reflected, and resolved to experiment. That was nine years ago, and I haven’t eaten meat since.

No one convinced me with their arguments or reasoning. And frankly no amount of debating, disputing, or disgracing would have convinced me to attempt any type of diet – vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, Keto, Atkins, etc.

In fact, research shows that people resist ideas that are handed to them. They prefer ideas they feel they came up with themselves. Exactly! I adopted it because I felt like I came up with it myself!

We don’t convince people. People convince themselves.

All we can do is influence people. How?

  • our actions
  • our integrity
  • our veracity
  • our empathy
  • our curiosity
  • our commitments
  • our choices

Not through:

  • our anger
  • our threats
  • our bullying
  • our judgment
  • our criticism
  • our righteousness
  • our piousness

As bosses, mentors, and parents, we cannot convince our people to be happy, enthused, motivated, driven, kind, compassionate, or generous. 

All we can do is constantly demonstrate these behaviors and trust that they’re watching.

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

© 2020. Ann Tardy and Mentor Lead. www.mentorlead.com | www.anntardy.com

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