[Flash] How to Avoid Criticism - MentorLead

[Flash] How to Avoid Criticism

“Only one way to avoid criticism: do nothing, say nothing, and be nothing.” ~ Aristotle

This week I’m celebrating 5 years of Flash! It was March 2015 when I committed to writing and publishing a short article every week…

  • to provide conversation starters for the mentors, mentees, and leaders in our programs
  • to create a constant connection with people
  • to contribute fresh ideas, strategies, and perspectives
  • to hone my writing skills

I started with 11 people on my mailing list (including my mom). Today over 11,000 people receive Flash!

Inevitably every week, someone emails me.

Sometimes they send me a simple thank-you or a woo-hooo! Other times people write to tell me that they or their team really needed to hear that week’s message – as if I wrote it specifically for them.

But occasionally someone will email me their criticism. They might dislike my idea, argue about my perspective, reprimand my use of a story, or even point out a typo. Sometimes they even unsubscribe.

I have to admit, I take it to heart.

As a result, every week I pause to consider if I’m writing something that might inadvertently irritate, upset, offend, or even confuse my readers (you!). I reflect on the content and scrutinize it from different angles before I publish it.

And I don’t always get it right.

I recognize that it’s risky to put my perspectives and ideas out there each week, especially in this era of unabashed judging, criticizing, and hating.

But it’s a risk I’m willing to take to inspire, ignite, contribute to, and connect with all of you!

The secret is not to avoid criticism, but instead to have something compelling you to do, say, or be… in spite thereof. The power of that commitment will mute the volume of inescapable criticism.

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