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Do You Speak in Bullets and Listen in Paragraphs?

People are distracted.

  • They multi-task.
  • They skim.
  • They defer to emoticons, texts, and pictures.
  • They are inundated with sound bites, ads, alerts, IMs, and scrolling news blasts.

Research shows that the human attention span has dropped to 8 seconds – even less than goldfish!

If we want to lead while managing, we need to capture attention, command respect, and cement our leadership presence. We need to speak in bullets and listen in paragraphs.

To speak in bullets:

  • be brief
  • highlight important points
  • skip the backstory
  • use metaphors to captivate, bolster comprehension, and increase retention

If and when your audience wants more information, they’ll ask for it.

To listen in paragraphs:

  • start with questions
  • ask follow-up questions to dig deeper
  • use your face to express interest and commitment
  • take notes
  • ignore everything and everyone else

You’ll quickly discover that most people communicate unintentionally – they speak in paragraphs and listen in bullets.

But we can help people develop these essential leadership skills, thereby increasing their efficiency, their effectiveness, and their impact.

How? Start by teaching people how to speak in bullets.

  • Give them a time limit: “I only have 2 minutes.”
  • Interrupt their meandering with, “I’m going to interrupt you.”
  • Then ask, “What’s the question?”
  • or “What is the key information I need to know?”
  • or “Where do you need the most help?”
  • Remind people: “I don’t need the back story yet.”

If we want to be seen as a leader and develop other leaders, we need to start with intentional speaking and purposeful listening. Fewer adjectives, more verbs.

When the Self-Serving Bias Does Not Serve Us

Why did you succeed? I worked really hard.

Why didn’t you succeed? The weather, the traffic, my computer, the regulations, my boss, my peers, my car, the company policies. I’ve been so busy! The dog ate my homework. The serpent beguiled me.

This is the Self-Serving Bias in action.

A behavioral influence in which we take credit for our successes, while blaming external circumstances for our shortcomings, disappointments, and failures.

Of course we do! We’re boosting our confidence while protecting our self-esteem!

There are 2 problems with blaming circumstances:

1. People absolve themselves of personal responsibility. As a result, they become a victim under their circumstances, leaving little room to become a victor over them.

2. People fail to evaluate all the information available to them (internal and external roadblocks), resulting in poor decisions.

As leaders, how do we lead people out of their own way? With the Lasso of Truth.

Wonder Woman used a truth-compelling lasso. We can employ truth-compelling questions (just imagine the twirling lasso!):

  • What role have you played in your success or disappointment?
  • If we look at only controllable factors, which ones attributed to your success or failure?
  • From your perspective, what specific actions/behaviors did you take or should you have taken?
  • What actions/behaviors can you change moving forward to change your results?

When we allow people to point fingers at external circumstances, we condone their victim status, and they stay stuck. Stuck people, stuck team, stuck leader.

But when we help people focus on controllable factors (their actions and behaviors!), we lead them out of their own way.

Why Just-Do-Your-Job Won Belichick the Super Bowl

People at my Super Bowl party were starting to leave. The ending was all but inevitable, as the Falcons were up 28-3 in the third quarter.

And then the game got interesting. The Patriots came back with a vengeance, winning 34-28 in the first-ever overtime in Super Bowl history.

We can glean a trite lesson like, “never give up.”

But the real lesson for us as leaders comes from the head coach of the New England Patriots, Bill Belichick whose mantra is: do your job. Since 2000, he’s used this truism to coach the Patriots through 305 games (winning 225) and 7 Super Bowls (winning 5).

There’s no greater test for us as leaders than supporting our people from the sidelines, completely unable to rescue them.

What can we possible do from the sidelines? Cheer. Motivate. Yell. Scream. Scold. Cajole. Plead. Berate. Threaten.

Or we can do what Belichick has been successfully doing for 17 years: instill discipline.

“Do. Your. Job.” is Belichick’s philosophy that reminds his team to:

  • worry about your own job, effort, results
  • know the guy next to you is doing his job
  • count on your peers and they’ll count on you

With this simple yet potent formula, Belichick calms his team in the midst of chaos and overwhelm. He uses it to focus them, eliminate distractions, demand readjustment, enlist improvement, and emphasize accountability.

No doubt at half-time, Belichick once again reminded his team to “just do your job.”

We lead when we coach our people from the sidelines, and we lead best when we focus them on the one thing that everyone on the team is counting on them to do… their job.

Does it Matter if We Achieve our Goals?

What if achieving our goals doesn’t matter?

What if the power of setting goals lies not in accomplishing them but in who we have to become to accomplish them?

When we earnestly pursue goals, we change our behavior, we improve our processes, we take on new actions. To be successful in our goals, we have to become the person it takes to be successful.

And ultimately becoming that person is as important as (if not more than) accomplishing the goal.

Think of any goal you have achieved. Who did you become to achieve that goal?

Did you become:

  • a morning person
  • organized with your time
  • determined and perseverant, even brazen
  • focused on your health, your skills, or your passion
  • confident and direct in your interactions with others
  • more courageous

Admittedly, all of these changes and improvements we make in the pursuit of a goal are possible without the goal, but the goal seduces us into action.

When I have a goal to write a book or complete a bike ride, I become militant about my time, clear about my priorities, and purposeful in my conversations. I am switched on. I ask better questions. I am more enthusiastic.

Pursuing the goal of writing a book or cycling a part of the country makes me a more efficient, effective, and engaged person.

So while accomplishing the goal is our reward for the grit, perhaps it’s not about the goal. Perhaps it’s about setting compelling goals that lure us into becoming bigger, better, bolder versions of ourselves.

Why I Attended the Million Women’s March

I attended the Million Women’s March in Washington DC last weekend with my mom, Cousin Lynn, and her daughter Riley.

It was inspiring, empowering, and emotional. (To be fair, it was also at times overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing.)

The issues people came to discuss were countless (many of which I had been personally incognizant). And they carried their issues on signs, buttons, hats, and shirts.

I personally didn’t have a rally cry for any one issue.

So why did I show up? The same reason a million women and men showed up around the globe. For awareness, understanding, and solidarity. And without judgment. (No one responded to anyone’s sign with disdain, “That’s a stupid issue. Get over it.” )

The issues impact the people in my community, and so for that reason alone, they matter to me.

I went to the March to better understand and show support for what others experience, endure, and fear. And, as evidenced by the lack of altercations and arrests, so did everyone else.

But we don’t need to wait for a March on Washington to build solidarity with our teams, our families, or our communities. We just need to be willing to consider and acknowledge each other’s experiences and concerns… without judgment.

The March concluded when we got to the White House. Like a mic drop after an awesome performance, we placed our signs at the fence and walked home.

It wasn’t a protest. It wasn’t a bra-burning. It was a merely an opportunity to support humanity.
If you’d like to see a few pictures, check out our Instagram account: 

Can Motion Actually Be the Goal?

I have been editing.

Not a document…my life.

I’ve been editing my house, my office, my closets and cabinets, my clothes, my news consumption, my books, my conversations, and even my time.

I don’t know if I’m more shocked by the things I’m finding (medicine dated 2009!) or by the reality of what I tolerate. I have been operating around piles (literal and figurative) without taking action.

I didn’t start the year with a resolution or a goal about editing. I started the year with a commitment to Get Stuff Done. To do something instead of just make lists. To move.

But can motion actually be the goal?

Research shows that happier people move more. A study of over 10,000 people using wearable technology revealed that people can increase their mood just with slight physical activity – by moving!

It’s not about exercise, running a marathon, or scaling mountains. It’s about staying in motion.

And that’s how I started to edit.

Here are some other simple ways to start moving:

  • Take the stairs
  • Stand up when the phone rings
  • Walk around while talking on the phone (stop looking at emails!)
  • Sit strong and stand strong by engaging the abs
  • Fix or discard broken items
  • Donate “someday” clothes (someday I’ll wear it)
  • Greet people with a smile and confident handshake
  • Wave to people across the street
  • Get a dog (ok, not simple, but lots of walking and waving)

When our motion impacts our emotion, it’s time to start moving… whatever that looks like for you!

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Skip the Resolutions. Create a Polar Bear Plunge

January has the potential to dishearten even the most optimistic. Holiday decorations come done. Rejected Christmas trees skirt the curbs. The days are short. And on top of all that, we’re supposed to declare some grandiose resolution to fix whatever is wrong with us… But declarations don’t create sustainable change! Only actionable learning does. Traditionally, we learn by reading books, listening to speakers, observing leaders…but research proves that we implement:

  • only 5% of what we read, hear, and see
  • but a stunning 90% of what we experience

So the secret to igniting our spirits in January and our learning throughout the year is immersion.

We need to plunge into experiences, experiments, activities, and adventures.

What we need is a Polar Bear Plunge!

People have been jumping into icy cold water in the winter since 1904 in what is now known as a “Polar Bear Plunge.”

Why?! Typically to raise money for charitable organizations, and personally, for the adrenaline, the challenge, and the experience.

So instead of focusing on resolutions to fix what doesn’t work, let’s create our own Polar Bear Plunge.

What new experiences, experiments, activities, or adventures can we create this year for ourselves and our people? Examples…

  • Join Toastmasters
  • Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
  • Sign up for lessons (instrument, language, dance, motorcycle)
  • Lead an event, a team, or a project
  • Serve as a Mentor
  • Try a new exercise class
  • Register for a race
  • Teach a workshop
  • Travel
  • Informationally interview leaders
  • Write an article
  • Say yes! to a challenge

For learning that transforms, it’s time to take the plunge! Experiences are the new resolutions.

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I Want to Lead Like Dallas Cowboys Tony Romo

I want to lead like Tony Romo, the Dallas Cowboys quarterback since 2006.

In August when Tony suffered a broken back that sidelined him for three months, rookie Dak Prescott was promoted to starting quarterback, but merely as a placeholder until Tony returned.

And suddenly the rookie became a sensation! To date, Dak has led the Cowboys in a phenomenal 10-1 winning streak.

But then people started to wonder… what happens when Tony heals? Will he rightfully reclaim his title as starting quarterback?

Recovered and ready to play, Tony ended the controversy recently in a heartfelt speech:

“Football is a meritocracy. You aren’t handed anything. You earn everything, every single day, over and over again. Dak has earned the right to be our quarterback.”

Imagine watching a younger co-worker soar past us, up the proverbial ladder as we hobble, falter, or idle, unable to contribute as we have in the past. The feelings of futility and inadequacy would thrash even the most confident among us. It requires an unwavering passion for the purpose of the organization to eclipse the prestige of leading the team to victory. So what does Tony do now with all of his passion and none of the prestige? Mentor Dak.

I was Dak once. I remember the people who helped me when I was young. I’m going to be that person for Dak. Ultimately, it’s about the team.”

And that’s when Tony set a new bar as a leader in the NFL. If you’re truly committed to the success of the team, you lead with heart and soul regardless of who gets the glory.

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