You Don’t Need New Toys - MentorLead

You Don’t Need New Toys

Problems are like new toys – they need figuring out.

People bring us their problems like they’re bringing us a Rubik’s cube, a Lego set, or a new video game – insisting that we play too.

Why do they bring us their new toys?

Because they know we can figure them out. We always have solutions, ideas, or key information.

So they drop their toys on our desk, eager to let us play.

And they’re right! We can figure them out and quite often we love to. But we already have enough toys to play with.

When people bring us new toys, there are 5 things we can offer to help them move forward:

  1. Perspective
  2. Information
  3. Resources
  4. Mentoring
  5. Encouragement

Before anyone starts sharing new toys, ask them first which of these they need from you.  Then make them take their toys with them when they leave.

Our job is not to collect the most toys but to help our people learn how to play better with their own.

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