Why I Attended the Million Women’s March - MentorLead

Why I Attended the Million Women’s March

I attended the Million Women’s March in Washington DC last weekend with my mom, Cousin Lynn, and her daughter Riley.

It was inspiring, empowering, and emotional. (To be fair, it was also at times overwhelming, frustrating, and confusing.)

The issues people came to discuss were countless (many of which I had been personally incognizant). And they carried their issues on signs, buttons, hats, and shirts.

I personally didn’t have a rally cry for any one issue.

So why did I show up? The same reason a million women and men showed up around the globe. For awareness, understanding, and solidarity. And without judgment. (No one responded to anyone’s sign with disdain, “That’s a stupid issue. Get over it.” )

The issues impact the people in my community, and so for that reason alone, they matter to me.

I went to the March to better understand and show support for what others experience, endure, and fear. And, as evidenced by the lack of altercations and arrests, so did everyone else.

But we don’t need to wait for a March on Washington to build solidarity with our teams, our families, or our communities. We just need to be willing to consider and acknowledge each other’s experiences and concerns… without judgment.

The March concluded when we got to the White House. Like a mic drop after an awesome performance, we placed our signs at the fence and walked home.

It wasn’t a protest. It wasn’t a bra-burning. It was a merely an opportunity to support humanity.
If you’d like to see a few pictures, check out our Instagram account: www.instagram.com/lifemoxie 

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