Skip the Resolutions. Create a Polar Bear Plunge - MentorLead

Skip the Resolutions. Create a Polar Bear Plunge

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January has the potential to dishearten even the most optimistic. Holiday decorations come done. Rejected Christmas trees skirt the curbs. The days are short. And on top of all that, we’re supposed to declare some grandiose resolution to fix whatever is wrong with us… But declarations don’t create sustainable change! Only actionable learning does. Traditionally, we learn by reading books, listening to speakers, observing leaders…but research proves that we implement:

  • only 5% of what we read, hear, and see
  • but a stunning 90% of what we experience

So the secret to igniting our spirits in January and our learning throughout the year is immersion.

We need to plunge into experiences, experiments, activities, and adventures.

What we need is a Polar Bear Plunge!

People have been jumping into icy cold water in the winter since 1904 in what is now known as a “Polar Bear Plunge.”

Why?! Typically to raise money for charitable organizations, and personally, for the adrenaline, the challenge, and the experience.

So instead of focusing on resolutions to fix what doesn’t work, let’s create our own Polar Bear Plunge.

What new experiences, experiments, activities, or adventures can we create this year for ourselves and our people? Examples…

  • Join Toastmasters
  • Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity
  • Sign up for lessons (instrument, language, dance, motorcycle)
  • Lead an event, a team, or a project
  • Serve as a Mentor
  • Try a new exercise class
  • Register for a race
  • Teach a workshop
  • Travel
  • Informationally interview leaders
  • Write an article
  • Say yes! to a challenge

For learning that transforms, it’s time to take the plunge! Experiences are the new resolutions.

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