It’s Not a Team; It’s a Band - MentorLead

It’s Not a Team; It’s a Band

Teams win and lose together.

While it’s valiant to declare your collection of people a “team,” they aren’t. In the end, they win and lose their performance reviews, their paychecks, and their jobs as individuals.

You don’t have a team. You have a band.

Every successful band keeps the tempo, achieves harmony, and creates melodious tunes together. And at the same time, each band member can create beautiful music as a solo.

Whether it’s a rock band, an orchestra band, a jazz band, or a high school band, band members make music together, and they solo.

What’s your number one job as the band leader? Make sure their solo performance enhances the melody of the band.

Let’s stop treating these collections of people like an NFL team. And start treating them like a Grammy award-winning band.

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