Is This the Biggest Difference I Can Make? - MentorLead

Is This the Biggest Difference I Can Make?

A pause for self-reflection in the midst of chaos…

If we ponder for a moment before walking into a conversation, a meeting, or an altercation, to ask ourselves:
“Is this the biggest difference I can make?”
…could we reshape the outcome by adjusting our approach?

This specific adage interrupted my reaction to an offensive driver recently. It altered my attitude before schooling a barista on her job. It invariably shifts how I contribute to my team. And, when I employ it early, inspires me to purposefully create my day before it starts.

Is this the biggest difference I can make…

  • with this person?
  • in this conversation?
  • with my time?
  • with my thoughts?
  • in this meeting?
  • with my team?
  • in my job?
  • with my career?

If we answer “No” to the question, aren’t we just wasting our time and energy, shortchanging people of our best selves? Should we really be in that conversation, that meeting, or that job if we’re not going to make our biggest difference?

Of course, this notion challenges the hours we squander watching mindless television, surfing social media, reacting with emotional outbursts, or succumbing to other people’s drama.

With this question, a reality sets in… how are we choosing to show up, engage, contribute, influence, respond, serve, and lead?

Thus restoring our power to be victor not victim.

A mere burst of self-reflection not only makes us better leaders, it makes us better people.

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