I’m Measuring my Leadership from a Bicycle - MentorLead

I’m Measuring my Leadership from a Bicycle

I’m launching my 6th bicycle adventure this week.

Since 2011, I’ve biked across the country, up the East coast, down the West coast, across Iowa, and from Crater Lake to Yosemite.

On August 2, I start pedaling from Banff National Park in Canada to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. 825 miles.

Why? Because I love that with my own muscles, I’ve scaled mountains, seen national parks, met interesting people, and discovered corners of the country I would have otherwise missed in a car.

As I prepare to pedal across the border, I’ve been reflecting on each ride from a personal and professional standpoint.

And then it struck me… I can measure my growth as a leader from my bicycle.

When I did my first bicycle adventure, I never really left work. Thanks to my cell phone and my computer, I managed to cycle and kiss worms in the day-to-day weeds throughout the entire ride. My team still laughs remembering how I pedaled over the Continental Divide while conducting a conference call!

But this time is different. I didn’t bring my laptop. I won’t be on any conference calls. I won’t be leading any webinars. I only brought my iPad (to write Flash!) and a book to read.

So what’s changed over the past 7 years? My leadership skills:

  • I’ve improved my delegation abilities and learned how to trust
  • I’ve partnered with my team to hire and expand the team
  • I’ve learned how to develop and empower others
  • I’ve improved my communication skills


While I’ll be in contact with my team, I’m confident they will lead… because I’ve prepared them to lead.

I’m always working on being a better boss. Now I’m ready to test my improved leadership skills from my bicycle.

How do you measure your growth as a leader?

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