Forget WIIFM. Focus on WSIC. - MentorLead

Forget WIIFM. Focus on WSIC.

Everyone wants to know What’s In It For Me (WIIFM). But WIIFM is ephemeral. When the “what” is gone, so is your drive.

Shift your focus to Why Should I Care (WSIC) and you’ll transform your impact and your results. WSIC is like the north star – it never disappears. It’s your passion, it’s your purpose, it’s the reason you show up.

Some examples of “why should I care” ….

  • because your team needs a courageous leader
  • because your leaders are starved for new ideas
  • because your clients need better solutions to their problems

When you help others shift their conversation from WIIFM to WSIC, you will trigger their need to make a difference. This results in self-motivation – more powerful and resilient in its impact than any gift card, bonus, pizza party, or company tchotchke.

When people know the purpose, feel the importance of that purpose, and recognize how they can make a difference in fulfilling that purpose, then they care. And when people care, they become unstoppable.

At the core of every remarkable result is a remarkable person, team, or leader who shifted their focus from WIIFM to WSIC.

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