“That’s crazy! Why are you doing that!?” my friend challenged. Lightning!
“Wow! That’s amazing. What was that like?” my other friend appreciated. Thunder!
Thunder claps. Lightning strikes.
- When we listen with thunder we clap with acknowledgement, recognition, interest, and support.
- When we listen with lightning we strike from defensiveness or judgment.
Why? When we listen with lightning, we take the focus off of the other person and we make it about us. We start to wonder… What does that person’s comment mean about me? If that person is growing, does that mean I’m shrinking? If that person has great news, does mine pale in comparison? If that person makes a bold decision or holds a strong opinion, does that question my decision or opinion?
But when we listen with thunder, we engage with a steadfast focus on the other person. We are cognizant that acknowledging their success, their growth, their decision, and their opinion bears no reflection on our own.
And that takes awareness, intentionality, and courage.
If we are committed to serving the success of others, we need to listen with more thunder and less lightning.