Can Motion Actually Be the Goal? - MentorLead

Can Motion Actually Be the Goal?

I have been editing.

Not a document…my life.

I’ve been editing my house, my office, my closets and cabinets, my clothes, my news consumption, my books, my conversations, and even my time.

I don’t know if I’m more shocked by the things I’m finding (medicine dated 2009!) or by the reality of what I tolerate. I have been operating around piles (literal and figurative) without taking action.

I didn’t start the year with a resolution or a goal about editing. I started the year with a commitment to Get Stuff Done. To do something instead of just make lists. To move.

But can motion actually be the goal?

Research shows that happier people move more. A study of over 10,000 people using wearable technology revealed that people can increase their mood just with slight physical activity – by moving!

It’s not about exercise, running a marathon, or scaling mountains. It’s about staying in motion.

And that’s how I started to edit.

Here are some other simple ways to start moving:

  • Take the stairs
  • Stand up when the phone rings
  • Walk around while talking on the phone (stop looking at emails!)
  • Sit strong and stand strong by engaging the abs
  • Fix or discard broken items
  • Donate “someday” clothes (someday I’ll wear it)
  • Greet people with a smile and confident handshake
  • Wave to people across the street
  • Get a dog (ok, not simple, but lots of walking and waving)

When our motion impacts our emotion, it’s time to start moving… whatever that looks like for you!

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