Are You Shouting a Battle Cry Like My Hertz Driver? - MentorLead

Are You Shouting a Battle Cry Like My Hertz Driver?

A battle cry is what we shout as we run onto the proverbial battle field in pursuit of victory!

  • William Wallace in the movie Braveheart: They may take our land but they’ll never take our freedom!
  • JFK: We shall pay any price to assure the survival and the success of liberty.
  • Starbucks: We are inspiring and nurturing the human spirit one person, one cup, one neighborhood at a time.
  • US Marines Corps: Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful or Always Loyal)
  • Crawford, my Hertz Rental car driver at Orlando airport: I save marriages.

Wait! What? Crawford explained, “Dragging all of that luggage and children can test any relationship, especially in the rain. I am in charge of personally driving families who need help getting to the terminal after dropping off their cars. On the way, I talk to them, calm them down, and alleviate their frustrations. I’ve saved numerous marriages.”

We ask ourselves every day to come to work, to be all in, to give a piece of our lives to an organization. We need to show up because we believe …with our heart and soul.

But people don’t believe in to-do-lists, monthly goals, or quarterly quotas. We merely tolerate those. We believe in a purpose – the why behind our work – the reason for the lists, goals, and quotas.

Without a battle cry, setting goals and generating lists become rote exercises. But a battle cry guides our actions and reinforces the fight.

And it’s not about the money. Money becomes the focus when people lack purpose and passion.

To identify your own battle cry, ask yourself:

  • what do you love about your job?
  • what difference does your work make to others (on your team, in your organization, with your customers, in the community)?

As Crawford dropped me at the terminal, he reflected, “I love my job. I love Hertz.”

That’s the power of the battle cry!

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