Are You on a Streak? (Your Dopamine Would Like It!) - MentorLead

Are You on a Streak? (Your Dopamine Would Like It!)

Ted Murphy, founder of marketing software company IZEA, was interviewed recently for an INC Magazine article on how to push yourself to the next level.

His advice? Streak Running.

Murphy runs 1 mile every day, rain or shine.

Murphy reflects, “I’ve been Streak Running since 2015… 1,200 days straight. Streak Running creates a psychological bond to the act of running and to maintaining the streak.

He’s right!

Research reveals that perseverance, sweat, and hard work trigger the release of dopamine… the feel-good chemicals in our brain. So the act of accomplishing something (like running a mile a day) neurochemically boosts our confidence and makes us feel good about ourselves!

While Murphy has created a streak around running, we could apply this streak concept to any activity.

Retired Navy SEAL Admiral William H. McRaven promotes Streak Bed-Making in his book Make Your Bed. McRaven makes his bed every morning in order to start the day by completing a task.

As an author, I find success Streak Writing. Whenever I am producing a book, I write every day until the book is complete.

And to the delight of my dentist, I have been Streak Flossing since January 2005, flossing now for 5,045 days!

Streak Runner Murphy insightfully observes, “Once you cross 50, 100, or 1,000 days straight of any activity, you are much less likely to decide that today is the day you are going to quit.”

With a little perseverance and hard work, we can release a flood of dopamine and push ourselves to the next level: Streak Thank-You-Note-Writing, Streak Birthday-Wishing, Streak Journaling, Streak Desk-Cleaning, Streak Sales-Calling…

So, what’s your Streak? 

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